WCLC 2025 Welcome Message

General Information > Welcome Message 


Dear Colleagues and Friends,  

It is our great pleasure and honor to extend a warm invitation to attend and participate in the IASLC 2025 World Conference on Lung Cancer (#WCLC25) to be held in Barcelona, Spain from September 6 – 9, 2025.  

IASLC’s annual World Conference on Lung Cancer has played an integral part in facilitating progress by providing a platform for sharing cutting-edge research, collaboration, and networking among industry leaders, experts, and visionaries from around the world.   

Join us in Barcelona in 2025 to reflect on this remarkable journey of the past five decades and celebrate the huge achievements we have all contributed to. We are working on an exceptional program that encapsulates the spirit of IASLC and its members and the progress we have made. Our speakers, discussants, and panelists are world-renowned experts in the field, offering profound insights and practice-changing treatments. WCLC connects established researchers with young investigators and serves as a foundational meeting for healthcare professionals, patients, and advocates dedicating their lives to conquering thoracic cancers worldwide. We are proud to say that WCLC has become the premier platform – not only for the presentation of new science – but also for unique networking opportunities. 

We hope you will be a part of IASLC’s ongoing success story and join us in Barcelona for an exciting program with wide-ranging and multidisciplinary content. We encourage physicians, nurses, clinicians, researchers, and scientists, as well as patients, survivors, and advocates in the lung cancer field and those interested in any aspect of thoracic oncology to attend this Conference. It is only through an exchange of the widest variety of research that we can offer the best program and benefits to our members and patients.  

We look forward to welcoming you to an inspiring, educational, and enjoyable program in Barcelona in September 2025! 

WCLC 2025 Conference Chairs,

Umberto Malapelle

Jarushka Naidoo

Noemi Reguart

Isabelle Opitz

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